HBM Music

HBM izz....Harvey on vocals, Breklyn on guitar and Madtrack on Beatbox..Check the videos below for the sounds we make! You can purchase our songs 'Boom Boom', 'Rewind' and 'I Don't Wanna' at iTunes http://www.hbm-music.com/

HBM - I Don't Wanna
Video by GIGEntertainment
Produced by Controverse

HBM - Rewind
Video by Stephan Miras
Produced by Controverse

HBM - Straight to the Point
Video by Guino Vitalis

HBM - Boom Boom
Video by Stephan Miras and Ignjat Miletic

HBM - Flava
Video by Guino Vitalis
Produced by Controverse

HBM jammin
So now you know us, the music and our vids..Make sure you get our songs at iTunes so you can sing along nxt time we be jammin..